Optimal Health Through Functional Nutrition, Purposeful Movement and Spiritual Awareness 

The Longevity Project  

BillyO's Journey

At age 50, on the advice of a doctor performing his executive physical, Billy decided to have a routine bariatric weight loss surgery, the gastric sleeve. After multiple procedures, three surgeries (the last being a gastric-by-pass), two near-death experiences, and being fed through a J-tube for 18 months, he has decided to share his story. He hopes to give those thinking about weight loss procedures another alternative to consider.

Learn More about Billy's Journey

"We must become life-long learners, seek truth in all matters, challenge conventional wisdom, and unlearn failed dogmas of our past." -BillyO

BillyO's Mission

Billy O’s mission is to promote chronic disease prevention through the use of functional nutrition, the discovery of purposeful movement and the understanding of spiritual DNA.

Optimal Health

Achieving optimal health can be an elusive journey. There are so many “experts” available, particularly with easy access to the internet. I do not claim to be an expert on achieving optimal health, but I do have a lot of personal experience in making the wrong health decisions and surviving them, as well as over thirty years of experience providing physical rehabilitation services to people who have made as bad, or worse, decisions than me. I am a life-long learner and seeker of truth. I like evidence. However, like many Physical Therapy providers of my generation, I was looking at the evidence surrounding restoration of movement after the damage was done. Today, I look at the evidence to prevent chronic disease that impairs movement and to help those seeking to discover their purposeful movement for enhancing optimal health and longevity. The purpose of this blog is to share what I have learned on my journey, dispel health myths, and share discoveries that could help you on your journey to achieving optimal health.


What is
Functional Nutrition?

Absorption is a series of complex biochemical actions and reactions that occur in the gut to integrate nutrients from the food and water we ingest. This process produces energy for life and movement. Functional nutrition is the manner in which we acquire and consume food to obtain these nutrients to nourish our body, mind, and soul. Andrea Nakayama, founder of the Functional Nutrition Alliance, believes functional nutrition is not a dietary theory but “the answer to some health and healthcare problems of today.” I believe it is the most important nutritional concept of our modern day. As I see it, functional nutrition is based on the scientific evidence of whole food for better health, steeped in empathy for people, passion for the optimal health of others and compassion for the earth. My hope is that you will find helpful information in this blog while on your journey to discovering optimal health and longevity.


What is Purposeful Movement?

Anything done with a purpose suggests the act is intentional and brings a benefit. Such is the case with purposeful movement. As a physical therapist who creates therapeutic training programs for those who have suffered a movement impairment, I ask myself two questions when developing a program. Will this movement do harm to the intended user? And, does the current scientific evidence purport a health benefit with such activity for the individual intended? If the answers to these questions are No and Yes, I present the program for their consideration. In the end, the individual for whom the program is intended has to decide if the potential benefit is greater than the time and effort spent on the program. All this to say, purposeful movement is activity which does no harm and brings a proven therapeutic benefit to the user for achieving optimal health and longevity.


What is
Spiritual Awareness?

If I said to you, you are a spirit, you live in a body and you have a soul, what would be your response? Agree or disagree? What if I took it one step further? Your soul is the product of your mind, your will and your emotion. Agree or disagree? If you are considering these questions for the first time, or you have contemplated them for sometime, you are spiritually aware. This blog will not try to convince you of morality, ethics, or religion. It will attempt to challenge your thinking, to ask yourself why am I here on this planet at this particular time? What is my purpose for being here at this moment? What is love? And If love exists, what does love require of me?


What is Biochemical Individuality?

Roger John Williams (1893-1988), a biochemist and nutritional scientist, introduced us to the concept of biochemical individuality over 60 years ago in his book Biochemical Individuality:The Key to Understanding What Shapes Your Health. Today, most of what he posed in his book was scientifically proven by a team of international genetic scientists who mapped the human genome from 1990-2003, led by Francis Collins, MD, PhD., author of the book, TheLanguage of God. In his book, Collins helps us understand how each human is uniquely designed while laying the foundation for faith in God and faith in science to coexist. We walk away with a clear understanding that no  two people have the same chemical composition and each of our journeys to optimal health and longevity is uniquely individual.


What is Biomechanical Individuality?

Biomechanical individuality is intricately connected to our biochemical individuality, but is distinctively different. Biomechanics demonstrates the manner in which we move our bodies, while biochemistry is the process in which our bodies create and store energy to live and  move. Our body mechanics are as unique and individual as our chemical DNA. No two humans have the exact same body mechanics. Biomechanical individuality is why some people can jump higher than others, some can run faster than others and some can dance while others can’t. No amount of training will change the result. That being said, discovering your purposeful movement and training your body with intent can improve health and longevity. As some writers have stated, we humans are “mysteriously complex” and “wonderfully made.” 


What is Temperament?

Temperament has been defined as the manner in which humans and animals behave in a particular environment. Descriptors have been given to various behaviors such as Choleric, Melancholy, Phlegmatic, Sanguine, and Supine. Some behavioral therapists believe we primarily function within three social environments: Inclusion, Control and Affection and that we innately have strengths, weaknesses and needs. This blog will attempt to define these temperament behaviors in an effort to bring clarity to their unique differences and identify strategies to help the reader sharpen their strengths, manage their weaknesses and to get their needs met in a manner which brings optimal health and longevity to their souls.

About Billy O'Donnell

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As a Physical Therapist of over 30 years, Billy O’Donnell has provided rehabilitative services to a variety of populations from active duty servicemen and women and veterans who suffered cardiac and neurological events while he served in the Navy, to orthopedic and sports athletes at the high school and collegiate level while he was in private practice. His attention is now focused on helping aging endurance athletes to keep on GOing. He is currently providing education and training programs to this population to help them better understand the current scientific literature behind aging, functional nutrition, and purposeful movement in order to prevent chronic disease, while achieving optimal health and longevity.

He continues to hold a license to practice Physical Therapy in Nevada where he lives. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Health Science from the University of New England in Biddeford, ME, and a master’s degree in Behavioral Health from Pillsbury-Scarborough Bible College and Seminary in Springfield, MO. He is a Certified Functional Nutritionist through the Functional Nutrition Alliance. He is available for consultation via Zoom by appointment only.

contact billY today 

“Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”

– ​Eleanor Brown